Gram Flour


98.00 107.00

( 0 reviews )


Benefits of Gram Flour

  1. Controls Blood Sugar Levels
  2. Prevents Heart Problems
  3. Besan Benefits For Weight Loss
  4. Reduces Gluten Allergies
  5. Prevents Anaemia
  6. Health Disorders
  7. Nourishes Skin
  8. Exfoliates Dead Skin
  9. Controls Blood Cholesterol Levels
  10. Lowers The Risk Of Breast Cancer
  11. Fights Weakness
  12. Besan Benefits In Pregnancy
  13. Induces Good Sleep
  14. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
  15. Lightens Rough and Dark Skin
  16. Makes Hair Shiny and Strong
  17. Aids In Better Body Functions
  18. Relaxes Muscles
  19. Blood Pressure
  20. Healthy Bones
  21. Removes Fine Facial Hair
  22. Enhances Brain Health
  23. Fights Dandruff
  24. Makes Hair Smooth and Frizz-Free
  25. Offers Instant Fairness

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